Information Letter
Yakut TESOL and Yakutsk State University is organizing the videoconferencing on the issues of Distance Education to discuss administrative, financial, organizational, educational, instructional, and technical problems in the field. Before the synchronous communication, we will have asynchronous discussions where we will try different role plays. Asynchronous discussions is taking place at http://www.nicenet.org To register the class, go to the student cell and insert the class key: 666P8RW63Please, create your real name as your username. Thank you. We can start online discussions since December 10, 2008 The videoconferencing through Polycom 700 connection will take place on December 19, 2008 at KFEN room 228 (48 Kulakovsky street) (8:00AM in Yakutsk) between the Faculty of Educational Technology Program at Purdue University (Indiana, USA) and the Department of Foreign Languages in Technical and Natural Sciences of Yakutsk University (Republic of Sakha, Russia). If you are interested to participate in the videoconferencing, please, send email to Larissa Olesova (Past President of Yakut TESOL) at lolesova@yahoo.com or you can find update information at Yakut TESOL's blog at http://yakuttesol.blogspot.com/ Contact information in Yakutsk (4112) 36-61-82 Natalya Nickolayevna Alexeeva, Yakut TESOL PresidentP.S.: The dates and time may be negotiated. Larissa OlesovaYakut TESOL Past PresidentEmail lolesova@yahoo.com
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