Yakut TESOL organized Summer School for teachers and students and it was held at Yakutsk State University. We hosted key speakers from TESOL Board of Directors Dr. Yilin Sun, US Department Senior English Language Fellows Allyson Kellum from Vladivostok and Todd Vidamour from Novosibirsk. Different guests were invited with speech of welcome: Rector of Ya-kutsk State University Alexeev A.N.,Director of Yakut Pedagogical Col-lege #2 Glezer V.A..Director of Yakut Pedagogical College #1 Kopylova K.I..Head of the Department of Ministry of Education, Head of Ministry of For-eign Affairs RF in Yakutsk Dyakonov N.V., Teachers‘ Re-Training Institute – Semenova V.D.
photo: Dr. Yilin Sun (center) meeting with the Vice-President of Yakutsk State University and Yakut TESOL Board of Directors
Dr. Yilin Sun made presentation at a plenary meeting Trends, Issues, Opportunities and Challenges for Non- Native Speaking ELT Educators in the Changing Global Society and conducted workshop Action Research for Classroom teachers for three groups. Dr. Yilin Sun gave a presentation about TESOL and some teachers joined it right there with her help. Yakut TESOL appreciates very much the books with TESOL publications brought by Yilin Sun.
Senior English Language Fellow Allyson Kellum presented a number of very interesting and valuable range of topics during plenary and workshops sessions: Internet Resources: Broading Exposure to English; Pronunciation, Multiple Intelligence. She really worked very hard, and teachers highly evaluated her work.
Senior English Language Fellow Todd Vidamour was a plenary speaker with Perfomance - based teaching, and workshops: Blooms Taxonomy, Exploring Culture and Sociolinguistics in ESOL, Developing Learning Strategies. Participants appreciated his topics as useful for their further work, they were admired by his level of techni-cal knowledge and also his Russsian.
Yakut TESOL also tried to meet teachers‘ wish to be involved in videoconference with the US which was possible with the support of our past president Larissa Olessova and sister-partners from Dallas TexTESOLV.
Every morning started with videoconference with Purdue University, Indiana, Califonia. Our participants had an opportunity to know how other TESOL affiliates work which is very important for the future development of Yakut TESOL. Topics of videoconfrences are TESOL Afiliate in Indiana (USA) INTESOL by Dr. Lucianna C.de Oliveira; Computer Assisted Language Learning Issues by Dr. Jennifer C. Richardson; Administrative Support of Technology Implementation in classroom by Dr. James Lehman; Web 2.0 Technologies Project for teachers by Dr. Timothy J. Newby; ―Welcome Yakut TESOL by Dr. Christine F.Meloni; TESOL Affiliate in California(USA) CATESOL by Dr. Belinda Braunstein; TexTESOLV and Yakut TESOL Partnership Agreement by Dr. Donald Weasenforth. Concurrent workshops were also done by teachers of both high school and university.Yakut TESOL tried to invite speakers who have any kind of experience to share with, among them are Lidia Scryabina and Aleksandra Borisova who shared web-collaboration with the class in Dalass,TX (USA); Aleksandra Popova participated in Michael Krauss online course and presented WEB2.0 technologies in teaching English; Elena Zakharova a plenary speaker with Opportunities for ELT; Vera Semenova shared the idea of Dynamic Education. Recursive Hierarchical Recognition (RHR) Theory and Practice. A range of different workshops was very succesful and will be surely used in future work of participants: Tuyara Yegorova Note taking in the Academic Writing; Anna Sivtseva Teaching Narrative Writing; Nadya Tulasynova Topic: Mind Mirror Projects in EFL Teaching; Elena Nelunova Implementation of Interactive Technologies into EFL classroom; Alexandra Popova Ideas for creating your own Ning‘; Ludmila Sidorova Blogs in language teaching; Varya Nazarova, Natalya Archakhova Opportunities in Taching Reding and Grammar; Lidia Scryabina APEC: e-learning Training Program. 81 teachers (40- teachers from high schools, 13-from city schools and 27 from rural schools; 14 – teachers from colleges; 4- university teachers; and 10- students) took part in Yakut TESOL Summer School. All participants got folders with Summer School Handbook, magazine FORUM, pens and copybooks for notes, Yakut TESOL newsletter, and CD with all speakers‘ presentations. In the end participants filled qustionaries. The responses of teachers were very positive and they wanted all our key speakers to come again in spring 2010.
Guests were given access to our national culture and traditions through differ-ent excursions and exhibitions: the Perma-frost Instituite, Museum of Local Culture and History named after Yaroslavsky, Museum of Khomus, Ethnic Centres Ytyk Haya and Chochur Muran, Handcraft centre Staryi Gorod and others. Dr Yilin Sun had some official meetings with Vice - Rector of Ya-kutsk State University, with Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and an interview at the Press Center with several local newspapers and TV companies. Senior English Language Fellow Todd Vidamour from Novosibirsk gave an interview in popular program It is Interest-ing. The level of interest for sharing and exploring opportunities and challenges in teaching and learning English was very high. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the English Language Office, Public Affairs Section of the United States Embassy, Moscow and TESOL, USA for providing support for Yakut TESOL.

Dr. Yilin Sun made presentation at a plenary meeting Trends, Issues, Opportunities and Challenges for Non- Native Speaking ELT Educators in the Changing Global Society and conducted workshop Action Research for Classroom teachers for three groups. Dr. Yilin Sun gave a presentation about TESOL and some teachers joined it right there with her help. Yakut TESOL appreciates very much the books with TESOL publications brought by Yilin Sun.

Guests were given access to our national culture and traditions through differ-ent excursions and exhibitions: the Perma-frost Instituite, Museum of Local Culture and History named after Yaroslavsky, Museum of Khomus, Ethnic Centres Ytyk Haya and Chochur Muran, Handcraft centre Staryi Gorod and others. Dr Yilin Sun had some official meetings with Vice - Rector of Ya-kutsk State University, with Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and an interview at the Press Center with several local newspapers and TV companies. Senior English Language Fellow Todd Vidamour from Novosibirsk gave an interview in popular program It is Interest-ing. The level of interest for sharing and exploring opportunities and challenges in teaching and learning English was very high. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the English Language Office, Public Affairs Section of the United States Embassy, Moscow and TESOL, USA for providing support for Yakut TESOL.
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