Dear friends,
Yakut TESOL will host Teresa Almeida d'Eca from Lisbon (Portugral), coordinator of the TESOL Electronic Village session "Becoming a Webhead" on March 22-26, 2010 at Yakutsk State University.
Please read the message from Teresa:
Hello to all my Yakut TESOL Association friends and colleagues!
Belonging to an international organization such as TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) and its local affiliates - APPI (in Portugal) and Yakut TESOL (in Siberia) - opens up a whole new range of professional and personal contacts and exchanges that enrich us as individuals and professionals.
I hope to be with you very soon in what will certainly be an unforgettable trip for me and a very enriching exchange of ideas for us all about teaching and learning in general and the use of Web-based communication tools in the teaching-learning process, specifically. It's a unique opportunity to know what we're all doing in the traditional classroom, as well as in blended and online learning.
We have been in contact at a distance on several occasions through videoconferencing. I'm very happy and excited to finally be able to meet you all f2f.
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