Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Trip To Maya by Jayme Lynch

Photo: Jayme Lynch (center) with children
Jayme Lynch shares her impression about her staying in Maya village

Photo: Jayme Lynch is teaching
Since I have been in Maya Village, Yakutia, Russia, I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the world’s kindest people. They have been extremely inviting, helpful, and interesting. I couldn’t have picked a better place for my first overseas teaching experience. I have been invited here to help with the students continue to learn the English language and along the way I have learned a great deal from the students as well. I have learned that no matter the conditions of your learning environment, the amount of money you have, or the materials you have or do not have do not determine one’s passion for learning. The children here have a love for knowledge and truly thrive on it.

Photo: Jayme Lynch in class
Their English is growing each day and will continue to grow the more they practice and improve it. The teachers have many roles in their job; they are educators, caretakers, researchers, planners, actors, role models, and so much more to their students. They have one of the most difficult but rewarding jobs there is and I am extremely honored to be working with them. My stay here is almost complete and I am sad to leave all of the wonderful food, culture, and friends I have made during my stay in the Maya Village. I wish them the best with their English and their educational futures.

Yakut TESOL English Summer Camp Hosted by Maya Humanitarian School

On July 15-25, 2010 Maya Humanitarian School is hosting Yakut TESOL English Summer Camp with a guest teacher Jayme Lynch from Plano Elementary School, Texas, USA. The camp is a part of Yakut TESOL and Tex TESOL V partnership started in 2008 when Larissa Olesova (Yakut TESOL President) and Donald Weasenforth (Tex TESOL V Past-President) signed the agreement.
At the camp children take different classes like Conversational English by Jayme Lynch, English Grammar by Sargylana Dmitrieva, and English through Songs by Elena Zakharova. After classes kids are involved in different activities including playing games, watching films, participating in team and individual competitions. Besides, campers have had a great opportunity to visit permafrost area, waterfall, and rocks. Both teachers and kids are excited to make new friends and learn new things.
Elena Zakharova, Yakut TESOL Resource Center Director

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Russian students enrolled in Hockaday program catch glimpse of life in the U.S.

12:00 AM CDT on Monday, July 12, 2010
By ANANDA BOARDMAN / The Dallas Morning News
Eight students from Yakutsk, Russia, are studying at the Hockaday School as the first foreign group to attend a summer session at the private girls' school.
Russian exchange students (from left) Alina Aslanova, 12, Aina Luginova, 12, and Anya Barabanova, 13, waited out a rain delay at a RoughRiders game at Dr Pepper Ballpark in Frisco on July 3. Hockaday School worked out a summer program so the students could experience American culture. Although the school has long served students from other countries, a Hockaday educator's visit to Russia evolved into an idea to bring a group of Russian girls to Dallas. They are now working on their English skills, enjoying yoga and ceramics classes and learning about life in the United States. Yakutsk is located near the Arctic Circle and is one of the coldest inhabitable places in the world. "It was exhausting, but it's worth coming here," said 16-year-old Dasha Ludina of the six days it took to travel to Dallas. The students arrived to a hot Texas summer on June 15 and will return home Friday. "It's a very good chance for our students to learn English, to learn about the culture and traditions of the United States of America and make friends," said Marina Protopopova, who teaches English in Yakutsk and accompanied the children on the trip. Nicole Carlson, director of summer session residents, said the school has integrated the Yakutsk students into their summer program, along with 21 other international students studying at Hockaday this summer. The idea came about after Elizabeth Smith, director of English for speakers of other languages at Hockaday, spent two weeks in Yakutsk last summer to teach English. Smith stayed in touch with her Russian students and over the course of a year planned a trip to bring the Russian students to the U.S. through Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Inc. Their parents paid for the cost of the trip. "I was extremely excited ... my mother told me I was going to Hockaday last winter and I didn't believe it," Dasha said. The students take two English for speakers of other languages classes in the morning, and an elective class such as yoga, ceramics or dance during the afternoon. The first few weeks of the trip focused on the differences between the U.S. and Russian cultures; the second half is called "Discovering Dallas." "I was very happy because to go to U.S.A. was my wish, my dream," said 14-year-old Masha Byuraeva. "Here, people are different, more happy, more easy." From The Dallas Morning News

Global learning - Russian exchange students experience life at Hockaday School

From Russia with … education
Yakutsk students learn English, experience Texas
“The students were so bright, so hungry, so enthusiastic,” she said. “It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me.” This summer, a handful of Yakutsk students, chaperoned by Marina Protopopova, senior teacher of English in Russia of Yakutsk State University, are spending their first summer in America, developing their language skills, said Tresa Wilson, ESOL summer school director at Hockaday. “It’s a great opportunity to improve their English skills, to get knowledge about the culture,” Protopopova said. “It’s a first experience for me to take students from Yakutsk to another foreign country, and for most girls, a first experience to go to a foreign country.” However, learning isn’t easy. “It’s really hard to talk with other people,” said Masha Byuraeva, 14. “I can’t understand things, but really interesting to learn things.”Dasha said the language skills are something they can take home. “I think when we all come back to Yakutsk, we will be much more patient and tolerant of people of other origins because now we communicate with Chinese, Mexicans,” she said. “Sometimes we do not understand their speech because they have a very strong accent, but we, too.” Wilson said the program is about a global exchange of ideas that will help the students improve their understanding of the rest of the world. That’s exactly what Luda Grigoryeva, 13, wants to take home after the program ends July 17. “It’s hard here. It is America,” Luda said. “Times in Russia, I wish about America because I think it’s really cool country. When I came here I feel, ‘Oh, America!’ It’s country where you can improve yourself.” Submitted photos by JEANETTE KHAN
Danielle Dupuis, a summer English for Speakers of Other Languages teacher at The Hockaday School, instructs international students from China and Yakutsk. The students will continue their studies at Hockaday until summer school ends July 17.

Yakutsk, founded in 1632, is widely regarded as the “coldest city on Earth.” This time of the year, it is in the mid-’70s with a forecast of 91 F on Monday. Yakutsk students visiting Hockaday were asked to list what makes their city so special. Temperatures range from -50 C (-58 F) in January to 30 C (86F) in July. Yakutsk is the capital of the Sakha Republic. The city is characterized by mountains, river streams and icy temperatures. The city is located on the Lena River in northeastern Russia, about 450 kilometers south of the Arctic Circle. The entire republic has permafrost underneath that has never melted. The population is more than 210,000. Languages spoken are Russian and Sakha (Yukutskian) SOURCE: Yakutsk students

From Park Cities

Sunday, April 18, 2010

VII Международная конференция преподавателей английского языка «Perspectives and Challenges in EFL Teaching and Assessment»

ГОУ ВПО «Якутский государственный университет имени М.К. Аммосова» - Кафедра иностранных языков по техническим и естественным специальностям - Институт повышения квалификации работников образования МО РС(Я)- Ассоциация преподавателей английского языка г. Якутска РС(Я)- Офис английского языка Посольства США в г.Москве
27-30 апреля 2010 года состоится VII Международная конференция преподавателей английского языка «Perspectives and Challenges in EFL Teaching and Assessment».
Планируется выступления ведущих специалистов в области преподавания английского языка Госдепартамента США в России, видеоконференции с ведущими лекторами университетов США.
Основные направления работы конференции:
- Вопросы подготовки учащихся к сдаче ЕГЭ по АЯ;
- Инновационные образовательные технологии в обучении АЯ и оценивании;
- Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в обучении АЯ и оценивании;
- Обучение видам речевой деятельности АЯ (аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо) и их оценивание. В рамках конференции планируется работа семинаров и мастер-классов. Для участия в конференции необходимо до 22 апреля 2010 года направить материалы, заявку.
Форма заявки участника конференции «Perspectives and Challenges in EFL Assessment»
(оформляется на каждого участника в отдельном файле)
Фамилия имя отчество автора (полностью)
Название доклада
Форма выступления (доклад, семинар, мастер-класс, участие)
Очное или заочное участие
Ученая степень, ученое звание, почетное звание
Представляемая организация (полностью)
Должность (полностью)
Почтовый адрес (по нему будет выслан сборник) с указанием индекса
Телефон (служебный) с указанием кода города E-mail
Организационный взнос за личное участие в работе конференции 2000 рублей (для членов Ассоциации), 500 рублей (для студентов), 2 500 рублей (для остальных), Оргвзнос включает сборник материалов конференции, программу, раздаточные материалы, кофе-брейк, сертификат об участии. Членский взнос «Ассоциации преподавателей английского языка» г. Якутска составляет - 350руб, для студентов -150руб.
Оргвзнос и членский взнос можно произвести по адресу 677000, г. Якутск, ул. Кулаковского, 48, каб. 728
Для подтверждения оплаты необходимо прислать копию квитанции об оплате по электронной почте или факсу (4112) 36-61-82.
Адрес оргкомитета: 677000, г. Якутск, ул. Кулаковского, 48, каб. 728
тел/факс: (4112) 36-61-82, координатор:Емельянова Зармена Владимировна (89241730375),e-mail:

Информационное письмо
По результатам работы Международной конференции “Perspectives and Challenges in EFL Teaching and Assessment” планируется издание сборника статей. Для включения их в сборник необходимо до 30 апреля 2010 года направить материалы, заявку и oтсканированные квитанции об оплате на адрес оргкомитета:
677000, г. Якутск, ул. Кулаковского, 48, каб. 728
тел/факс: (4112) 36-61-82
секретарь: Ядрихинская Евгения Ефимовна, e-mail:
Требования к оформлению текста статьи
К публикации принимаются статьи (объем текста – не более 5 страниц). Для набора текста, формул и таблиц необходимо использовать редактор Microsoft Word для Windows. Перед набором текста настройте указанные ниже параметры текстового редактора: поля: верхнее, нижнее, правое и левое – 2,0 см; шрифт - Times New Roman; высота – 14; межстрочный интервал – полуторный; выравнивание - по ширине; красная строка - 1,0 см. Рисунки в виде объекта векторной (формат .cdr) или растровой (формат .jpg) графики, не превышающего объем 100 Кб. Оформлять ссылки следует в тексте в квадратных скобках на соответствующий источник библиографического списка. Статьи принимаются как на английском так и на русском языках.
Образец оформления текста статьи
Смирнова О.С., канд.тех.наук, доцент
г. Томск, ГОУ ВПО «Томский государственный университет»
Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи.
Diana Renn, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Boston Univeristy, Boston, Massachusetts, US
Стоимость публикации 700 рублей за одну публикацию. Если материал конференции написан в соавторстве, то за каждого соавтора необходимо доплатить сумму в размере 200 рублей. За каждый дополнительный сборник необходимо дополнительно оплатить 200 рублей (исключение – соавторы).

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Post Training - Hello from Teresa Almeida d'Eca (Portugal)

I got back home safe and and sound about 18 hours ago after an unforgettable 16 days in Russia that took me to remote Yakutsk, in Siberia, the first week to give a 5-day workshop on Web 2.0 tools for EFL teachers from all over the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, at the Yakutsk State University. You can see two photos and a text (in Russian) about the workshop in the university website. (I translated it online.)

I was invited by Yakutsk TESOL and its leading members, Natalya, Elena and Zarmena in Yakutsk, and Larissa at Purdue Univ., in the USA, with whom I had previously collaborated through videoconferencing. I felt at home as soon as I stepped off the plane and met Zarmena. Mind you, I was nine thousand kilometers away from home in what's considered the
coldest city on Earth. Here's the workshop wiki that includes work the participants did during my morning sessions, as well as fabulous collaborations from our dear Evelyn, Larissa and Valentina (in Elista, Russia), a very active BaW10 member. I bow to you ladies and thank you
for contributing very considerably to the great success of the workshop. :-)) (this wiki is a work in progress)

The warmth and hospitality of the organizers, participants in the workshop and everyone else that accompanied me every afternoon on non-stop events in and out of the city (I was often away from my dorm room for 11-12 hours) is something that will forever hold a "very
special" place in my heart. I made wonderful friendships and hope to promote collaborations with Webheads in Asia and the Americas, the most adequate time zones to work with Yakutsk.

Yakutsk and its people are amazing, genuine, very generous, warmhearted and very hospitable. They are extremely proud of their heritage, history, culture, natural products, food... everything. It touched me deeply. I will be writing about this fabulous and totally
unexpected experience, so I will say no more at this time.

The second week was spent in Moscow and St Petersburg, mainly on tourism. I had previous connections there, made new friendships and, hopefully, future professional collaborations with Natalie Udina (introduced to me by our dear Elizabeth - congrats on your award!) and
Anastasia (???), the Head of the English Dept at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Everybody was extremely considerate and careful with my well-being, and I was never left unaccompanied. I will add a touching detail. I was supposed to meet Natalie at a Metro
station in the center of Moscow at 10:30 on the tragic Monday morning of the terrorist attacks. She called me at 9:30 asking me to stay at the hotel, to be on the safe side. She'd keep in touch. She picked me up at half past three by taxi to take me to her university to meet Anastasia (who had just been re-elected for a second five-year term as Head of the English Dept). They gave me a grand tour of the university that ended with a lovely dinner in a small univ. cafe and a very
productive talk about future collaborations. Then Natalie took me back to the hotel by taxi. They wanted me to be absolutely safe. I will never forget this level of consideration for someone they'd just met.

In St Petersburg I was accompanied by Maya (a friend of Lena from Yakutsk) and Natalia (Ba08 member), two very sweet English colleagues. SP is a beautiful city and it's very pleasant to walk in the city center.

This amazing trip has opened up a whole new world!

Please excuse the long message, but I had to tell you a few things, since I just didn't have the time or energy at the end of my evenings to get in touch. Just a message home and that was it. BTW, I lost 1.5 kilos!!! You can imagine the intense activity.

For those who celebrate Easter, a very Happy Easter to you and your families!

I'm dying to catch up on Boston TESOL, since I didn't have the chance. But I'm so exhausted, though in a very healthy way, that it'll take a few days at least.

Hugs all, Teresa

Monday, March 22, 2010

Yakut TESOL Technology Training with Teresa Almeida d'Eca

(photo by Larissa Olesova)
Федеральный информационный портал "SakhaNews"
(Информационное агентство "SakhaNews"/"Саха Новости")
Дата публикации: 23-03-2010 00:21
URL публикации:
В Якутске будут внедряться новые технологии обучения английскому языку

ИА SakhaNews. С 22 по 26 марта в Якутске будут работать курсы «Новые информационно-коммуникационные технологии в преподавании английского языка».
Как сообщили ИА SakhaNews в Ассоциации преподавателей английского языка, программа курса нацелена на подготовку преподавателей к использованию различных инструментов информационно-коммуникационных технологий в обучении английскому языку. Текстовым и голосовым синхронным коммуникационным технологиям, системе виртуальных классов, программам интерактивных упражнений будет обучать доктор Тереза Алмейда д’Ека (Португалия) и профессорско-преподавательский состав Якутского госуниверситета.

Кроме того, на лекциях и практических занятиях курсанты ознакомятся с теорией обучения иностранному языку с помощью компьютера (сomputer assisted language learning) и смешанного обучения (blended learning) и методическими рекомендациями по внедрению ИКТ в учебный процесс.

Справки по тел. 8 9142 710912; тел./факс: 8 (4112) 366182.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Приглашаем на курсы повышения квалификации «Новые информационно-коммуникационные технологии в преподавании английского языка» с 22 по 26 марта 2010г.

ГОУ ВПО «Якутский государственный университет им. М.К. Аммосова»
Общеуниверситетская кафедра иностранных языков
по техническим и естественным специальностям
Учебно-методический ресурсный центр
Ассоциация преподавателей английского языка г.Якутска РС(Я)

Информационное письмо

Уважаемые коллеги!

Приглашаем на курсы повышения квалификации «Новые информационно-коммуникационные технологии в преподавании английского языка» с 22 по 26 марта 2010г. Программа курса нацелена на подготовку преподавателей к использованию различных инструментов ИКТ в обучении английскому языку (Текстовые и голосовые синхронные коммуникационные технологии; Виртуальные классы; Программы интерактивных упражнений), ознакомление с теорией обучения иностранному языку с помощью компьютера (сomputer assisted language learning) и смешанного обучения (blended learning) и методическими рекомендациями по внедрению ИКТ в учебный процесс.
Лекции и практические занятия буду проводиться приглашенным лектором, ведущим специалистом в области ИКТ в преподавании английского языка д-ром Терезой Алмейда д’Ека (Португалия) и профессорско-преподавательским составом ЯГУ.
По окончании курса слушателям вручается удостоверение государственного образца о прохождения краткосрочных курсов повышения квалификации в объеме 72 часа.
Стоимость курса: 4 500 рублей – для членов Ассоциации, 5 000 рублей – для остальных.
Для участи я на курсах необходимо в срок до 10 марта 2010года представить заявку электронной почтой и произвести оплату на счет
ГОУ ВПО «Якутский государственный университет имени М.К.Аммосова»
г. Якутск, ул. Белинского 58
ИНН 1435037142, КПП 143501001 БИК 049805001
УФК по РС (Я) л/с 06073099560 р/с 40503810000001000065
в ГРКЦ НБ Республика Саха (Якутия) Банка России г.Якутск
назначение платежа: курс повышения квалиф-ции УМРЦ КИЯ
Ф.И.О. (участника)
За справками обращаться по тел. 8 9142 710912; тел./факс: 8 (4112) 366182
координатор курса: Захарова Елена Валерьевна
адрес: 677000, г.Якутск, ул. Кулаковского 48, каб. 728.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Dear friends,

Yakut TESOL will host Teresa Almeida d'Eca from Lisbon (Portugral), coordinator of the TESOL Electronic Village session "Becoming a Webhead" on March 22-26, 2010 at Yakutsk State University.

Please read the message from Teresa:
Hello to all my Yakut TESOL Association friends and colleagues!
Belonging to an international organization such as TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) and its local affiliates - APPI (in Portugal) and Yakut TESOL (in Siberia) - opens up a whole new range of professional and personal contacts and exchanges that enrich us as individuals and professionals.
I hope to be with you very soon in what will certainly be an unforgettable trip for me and a very enriching exchange of ideas for us all about teaching and learning in general and the use of Web-based communication tools in the teaching-learning process, specifically. It's a unique opportunity to know what we're all doing in the traditional classroom, as well as in blended and online learning.
We have been in contact at a distance on several occasions through videoconferencing. I'm very happy and excited to finally be able to meet you all f2f.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

8th FEELTA conference “From Broadcasting to Narrowcasting: Global Englishes, Local Contexts”

8th FEELTA conference “From Broadcasting to Narrowcasting: Global Englishes, Local Contexts”

The Far Eastern English Language Teachers’ Association invites proposals for their conference on language teaching and learning to be held

June 28 - 30, 2010

at The Far Eastern State University of Humanities, Khabarovsk, Russia

Hosted by: The Far Eastern State University of Humanities

More information at